The idea of His Masterpiece came about when I thought about my childhood experience of living in Jamaica. I had moved to another parish with my parents and 2 siblings. As a family of 5, I began to really miss my previous home.
One of the things I noticed on our move was that there was a lot more open spaces and land for us to play and I loved to play. To this day many of my dreams still take me back to that place. It was a happy place and I felt like I could do and be anything in those moments.
So when I think of how things are today I see that we are indeed the masterpiece of the creator. Made in his image and likeness.
“The act of creation tells us that we too are made to CREATE.“
We can create the life we want through struggle, through challenges and through the beauty of things that happen every day. Life is a mix of both the good and the bad.
His masterpiece is carrying the knowledge that I can attain to a better life if I do the work of creating. I have to become disciplined and tenacious in what I am willing to do to accomplish this dream.
We have not all attained, some of us are in the beginning process, some are on the way and some have achieved a new level.